Does Pompsie Slots’ crystal ball predict huge wins, and did he put a ring on her finger? How much did Lady Luck spend on every Huff N’ Puff slot machine ever made, and did she break even? Why did Vegas Low Roller promise to start low-rolling for the considerable future?
Welcome to The Respin, where we highlight the best slots-based videos posted on YouTube over the last week. Let’s take another look at some of the most-watched videos from leading slots influencers on YouTube: if you’re ready for the five best slot videos online, stay tuned.
1. Lady Luck Loaded $1,500 Into Every Last Huff N’ Puff Slot Machine
Lady Luck got curious and decided to load $1,500 into every version of Huff N’ Puff ever made.
She began her experiment with thirty spins worth $50 each on all three slot games, spending a grand total of $4,500. Her scientific objective? “Let’s see which one wins.” And with that, Lady Luck and her beau pulled out their click counter and got to work.
First on the chopping block was the original version of Huff N’ Puff, and 20 spins went by before a $360 win put her back in the game. By the time 30 spins went by, she still had $1,000 ready to spend – talk about a last-minute comeback! She cashed out and moved onto Huff N’ More Puff.
She lost $1,048, cashing out just $452. Huff N’ Even More Puff was the worst of the lot as she kept just $142.50. After beginning with $4,500, they were down to $1,594.50 at the end of it all.
Tough luck!
2. The Big Jackpot, Vegas Matt, NG Slot, and TheRealBizzok Take Over The Casino
The effervescent Big Jackpot brought in what he called the big guns – Vegas Matt, NG Slot, and TheRealBizzok – to play a slot he’d never seen before: Bull Blitz Slots. After polling the crew to get their take on the upcoming action, they all agree to yell “BULL BLITZ” if they win.
The Big Jackpot sets the tone by proclaiming that all his squad members will be betting $50 per spin. He has lofty standards for lofty jackpots, and he’s up first. We won’t spoil the whole video, but this four-man army turns $2,508 into a grand total of $4,040. They almost lost it all, but The Big Jackpot’s magic slot-button pushing finger saves the day midway through.
3. VegasLowRoller Vows to Start Low-Rolling (Until He Hits Another Jackpot Win)
“I WILL NEVER BET THIS BIG AGAIN!” might be the title of VegasLowRoller’s latest video, but those $30 spins on San Bad Dragons worked out for him in the end. He starts playing the game with $2,999.99 loaded up, manifesting that “today might be the greatest day in YouTube history.”
He gets tantalizingly close to an $11,000+ Grand Jackpot after collecting five of the six symbols needed for a big win, but he eventually gets the Mini and Major in one fell swoop. He got going, cashing out a $1,985.40 win and promising himself that he wouldn’t give it back to the casino.
Curiosity got the better of VegasLowRoller, and he went back for seconds on the same game. While it could have ended badly, his momentum continued until he won another $1,552 jackpot.
4. NG Slot Lands A Record-Breaking Jackpot on Dragon Link
NG Slot brings record-breaking amounts to the casino every chance he gets, and this week’s video is no different: after sitting down to play Dragon Link: Golden Century, it takes him all of four minutes to win $37,357.65. Of course, when you’re betting $250 per spin and starting with $25,000 to match, you’re far more likely to score what we’d consider to be enormous jackpots.
If you thought that’s all we had, think again. He landed another jackpot worth $53,250 after the bonus at the 11-minute mark of this video. That’s $90,607.65 from a single, 14-minute session.
5. Pompsie Slots’ Wife Doubles As His Casino-Friendly Crystal Ball
Every casino player wishes they had a crystal ball to predict when a game is about to overflow with cash, but Pompsie Slots has something even better: a wife who knows exactly when a slot machine is ready to pay big.
Call it luck, coincidence, divine intervention, or a combination of all three. Either way, there’s no denying that Pompsie Slots’ partner has the magic touch. Unfortunately, Pompsie undoes most of his wife’s progress when he gets a turn at the game. That’s why they end up breaking even.