
Paylines Slot Channel

Paylines Slot Channel is dedicated to bringing high-quality slot footage to YouTube. If you’re looking for an influencer who loves what he does, it’s hard to fake passion. He owns slots and hosts a video series called The Slot Museum, so you’d better believe he enjoys the casino.

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YouTube Analytical History

Streamer Bio 

When Paylines Slot Channel joined YouTube and posted his first video eight years ago, we’re willing to wager that he couldn’t imagine his future popularity. While his first-ever video got just 798 views, his production value quickly improved. With that, his fame on YouTube skyrocketed. 

He grinded away for the first two years of owning his channel, and he only began to get serious attention from a mainstream audience back in 2017 when he broke the five-figure views barrier for the first time with this video. He would continue to gain Internet points before shattering his previous records in 2020. He published five videos, all of which received six figure view counts. 

He rode this wave of unexpected but well-deserved success into 2021, where he became even more popular and earned more subscribers than he knew what to do with. By this point in his YouTube career, he was averaging 3k – 5k views per video with the occasional clip going viral. 

Even though he kept a handle on his Internet fame during the entirety of the COVID pandemic, his popularity began to peter off at the beginning of 2022. He took a brief hiatus from uploading new videos, which didn’t help any. However, he stayed the course and began making progress. 

By the time New Year’s 2023 rolled around, Paylines Slot Channel was back in peak form. He’d found the secret formula to success: he mixed contagious commentary with exciting slot videos featuring high-limit spins. Over time, he started to average 1-2k views per upload once more. 

Fast-forwarding to 2024, Paylines Slot Channel is still on the mend in terms of popularity. If he ever wants to come back and stay consistent with YouTube, he won’t have any issues gaining subscribers. He’s capable of breaking the Internet, but it’s hard to break free from competition. 

Channel Highlights 


Paylines Slot Channel’s most popular video was uploaded to YouTube on November 27, 2019. Since then, it has received 7.6k likes and 942k views. This 22-minute video is nothing short of a roller coaster, and it shows five people playing 12 Times Pay during a group pull. Each person in the group contributes $50. They decide to start betting the max of $3/spin. 

They whittled their bankroll down to $145 before connecting a 12 Times Pay symbol with cherry symbols to win $144. This brought them back up to $289 and gave them another opportunity to chase the jackpot. For a few minutes, they do spins that could be profitable (if they connected). 

Finally, their persistence pays dividends at the 9-minute mark of this video when they win a big jackpot prize. They whittled their bankroll down to $193 before connecting a “BAR” symbol with two Twelve Times Pay symbols. Hollering ensues as the group realizes they’ve won $8,640.00.

During the celebration, one group member comments that they’d predicted the big win. We don’t know how true that is but their jubilance is contagious. Next, Paylines Slot Channel films himself receiving the handpay from a casino attendant as he counts out the money and hands it to him. 

Always going back for seconds, they decide to go back to the well and feed 12 Times Pay $190 in hopes of scoring another lucky win. They keep the same max bet size of $3/spin, and they’re off to the races. The rest of the video shows them all burning through their bankroll with no luck. 

Once they’ve gotten their bankroll down to $0 once again, they decide to wrap things up and call it a night. No matter how you slice it, Paylines Slot Channel had an exciting time with this game.

Biggest Win: February 2, 2023: $11,043.48 on Lightning Link (The Cosmopolitan, Las Vegas) 

Charles filmed his largest jackpot win to date at the Cosmopolitan in Las Vegas, where he was playing Lightning Link in the high-limit room when he collected fifteen symbols during the bonus round. He was only spending $2.50 a spin, but he walked away from the casino $11,043 richer

Schedule: New Videos

Like many slot influencers, Paylines Slot Channel doesn’t stick to a consistent schedule when it comes to posting new content. Over the years, he’s made it a point to boost his online presence on numerous social media websites including Facebook, Twitter, Twitch, and even Snapchat. 

He tends to post new videos on YouTube once or twice a week, and you’ll have the best chance of catching his latest uploads if you check the channel between 10 AM and 3 PM (EST). It might also behoove you to check their Facebook page, which is where they post updates for viewers. 

You can also join the Discord server or contact him directly through email if you have questions. 

Community and Giveaways 

After combing through 50+ posts they’ve made on Facebook and their “Community” section on YouTube, we can safely say that Paylines Slot Channel doesn’t do giveaways. He hasn’t done any meet-and-greets over the years. However, he enjoys recording himself live at the casino.

We hope this will change in the future, but you can probably bump into him if you walk around Las Vegas long enough. He’s a recognizable name at almost every popular casino in Sin City.


Charles, better known as Paylines Slot Channel, is a popular YouTube slot influencer who loves playing high-limit progressive slots and recording the outcome for his viewers. He doesn’t always win, but he’s racked up some pretty impressive jackpot wins over the years. 

In addition to posting exciting footage of his luckiest moments at the casino, Charles will review slot machines from time to time. His hard work has paid off over the years, and his popularity is growing daily. Not many influencers deserve the fame more than Paylines Slot Channel. 

Since joining YouTube in February 2016, the Paylines Slot Channel has earned 15.1k+ subscribers, posted 1,174+ videos, and received 6.1+ million views in total. If you’re ready to see what a slot machine can do, we’ll examine Charles’s content style and highlight his biggest wins. 

Quick Facts

  • Charles is a true lover of slot machines, and he hosts a YouTube series called “The Slot Museum” for enthusiasts with a similar proclivity. He hasn’t updated this series in a while, but he used to discuss his experiences with certain games at popular casinos in Sin City.
  • Charles owns several slot machines. We haven’t gotten the privilege of seeing him play them just yet, but we’d expect an influencer of his status to own at least one machine. If you love slots as much as Charles, you’ll appreciate in-depth commentary on his videos.
  • Over the years, Charles has built a connection with other popular influencers. He’s been photographed with SlotTraveler, McGlaven’s Slot Gasm, Vegas Low Roller, and Dion to Slot. However, most of the videos he posts are solo clips of him playing slots in Vegas.
  • You can support Charles’ casino adventures financially when you purchase something from the Paylines Slot Channel YouTube store. He’s selling sweatshirts, wall tapestries, colorful tees, pillows, and phone cases with slogans like “XXX Zone: Play for the Bonus”.
  • As a true lover of slots, Charles has attended the G2E (Global Gaming Expo) and filmed himself there every year since 2019. He discusses the time he’s had with particular slots and he’s even uploaded interviews with the creators of never-before-seen slot machines.